Liquor Liability Personal Injury

Many factors can contribute to negligent behavior, but when seeking out all responsible parties, it is important to remember the contribution alcohol may play. Whether it is the motorist who is served “one too many” and is a menace to other drivers, or the bar patron who assaults another, the law provides a legal remedy to those injured. It is incumbent upon the social host to monitor the amount of alcohol a patron consumes and to cease service to those who are intoxicated. In these cases we often consult with a toxicologist to prove the effects that alcohol has upon human behavior. Fazzano & Tomasiewicz, LLC, has successfully prosecuted these cases and gained proper compensation for our clients. If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident where alcohol may have been involved, it is imperative to contact an attorney immediately as there are time requirements that must be met to preserve your claim.